There are many reasons your website needs a search engine optimisation (SEO) consultant to help your website achieve more.

Many people will try and go it alone in the search engine optimisation process and in the majority of cases this is an erroneous decision and does not get yield the results for your website within the search engines that a seo consultant could get you.

If you are seriously looking at doing your websites optimisation yourself you need to ask yourself the following questions:

1.How precious is your time?

As a business owner your time is very precious and is not normally best spent trying to optimise your website, it is normally better spent running your business. Many website owners believe that they will save money by optimising their own website but this rarely turns out to be the case. Search engine optimisation is a time consuming and complex process and should not be underestimated, and after all if you are investing all of this time trying to be an seo consultant and optimising your website, who’s running your business?

2.Do you have the skills?

Optimising a website is a complicated process and not something that can just be picked up and learnt in 5 minutes. There are hundreds of criteria that the search engines will use to analyse websites and a good SEO consultant will be familiar with all of them.

3.Can you get it right?

This is where most diy’ers get is wrong and getting it wrong when it comes to search engine optimisation is a big problem. Every good SEO consultant knows that there are certain pitfalls that must be avoided at all costs. If you do not know what you are doing and make the mistake of falling foul to one of those may pitfalls then your website can go from hero to zero and then your website ends up banned from the search engines.

4.Aren’t you biased?

Most website owners are biased and believe they know best when it comes to their website but this often leads to many problems including the age old problem of not being able to see the wood for the trees. One of the main problems comes when choosing keywords as the keywords people search for are normally not the keywords website owners believe them to be. An SEO consultant knows this and will ensure the right keywords are used and not ignored.

5.Can you keep it up?

Search engine optimisation is an ongoing process of testing, measuring and optimising. It is not something that can be done once and left alone so you need to ensure you are in it for the long term.

The bottom line is if you are serious about your business and your search marketing campaign then you need an experienced SEO consultant.

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